RESTAURANTS That serve Local Seafood in New England
Unfortunately, most restaurants in New England don’t offer customers local catch. However, we’ve seen the restaurants below celebrate offering local seafood to customers. We want you to know about them! Currently our list extends from Cape Cod to the Berkshire to New Hampshire.
If you know a restaurant that regularly offers customers local catch like redfish, skate, porgy, or any other seafood in season, please let us know. We, and the thousands of visitors to Our Wicked Fish every month, appreciate it!
Cape Cod
Mac's Fish House, Provincetown
Mac's Shack, Wellfleet
Mac's On the Pier, Wellfeet
Mac's Markets in Eastham, Wellfleet, Provincetown, and Truro
Bleu, Mashpee
Forage, Cambridge
Eventide, Boston
Row34, Boston
Saltie Girl, Boston
Savvor Lounge, Boston
North Shore
Cape Ann Fresh Food, Gloucester
Fish, Newburyport
Western Mass / The Berkshires
30Boltwood at the Lord Jeffery Inn, Amherst
Bistro Les Gras, Northampton
River Valley Co-op, Northampton
Paul and Elizabeths, Northampton
Daily Operation, Easthampton
Cafe Adam, Great Barrington
The Praire Whale, Great Barrington
New Hampshire
(Provided by NHCS)
Throwback Brewery, North Hampton,
Local Eatery, Laconia
The Hancock Inn, Hancock
Moxy, Portsmouth
Vida Cantina, Portsmouth
Jumpin' Jays Fish Cafe, Portsmouth
One Hundred Club, Portsmouth
The Bedford Village Inn, Bedford
Franklin Oyster House, Portsmouth
The District, Portsmouth
Cure (seasonally), Portsmouth
Appledore Island Dining Hall, Atlantic Ocean
Row 34 (seasonally), Portsmouth
Oak House, Newmarket
Blind Pig Provisions, Kittery, ME
Atlantic Grill, Rye
Row 34, Boston
If you think your business (restaurant, buyer, market, school etc.) supports our local fishery and you would like it to be known, please get in touch with us!